Extreme Energy Accuracy with 5 Second Live Data

Solar Analytics has always provided the highest-resolution data amongst energy and solar monitoring systems, and we’ve just launched an even more granular view of exactly how much solar you are producing and energy you are using.

Ever wanted to see exactly how much your slow cooker is using vs your oven? Or whether you should yell at your teenager for standing in front of the fridge with the door open for too long?

Now you will know just how much your actions affect your energy consumption down to five second accuracy, with our new 5 Second Live feature.

Solar Analytics live monitor

What you get

5 Second Live

Open your Live Monitor on your Dashboard and you’ll see a brand new feature - 5 Second Live Data. You’ll see all your usage for the last hour in one minute intervals, and as soon as you open your monitor, you’ll start seeing data displayed in five second intervals, for eight minutes in duration.

Two Decimal Reporting

You’ll also notice that the Live Monitor displays your energy consumption and solar production with two decimal points. This added granularity means that you can sniff out anomalies more easily.

What can you do?

Immediate data

The Live Monitor is one of the most heavily used features on the Solar Analytics Dashboard, showing you extreme detail of your energy usage (and your solar production). We’ve just amplified your experience with much more immediate information. Turn on your aircon (read more about how to reduce electricity bills using aircon and solar) and you will see the effect in five seconds. You’ll also see the immediate effect of weather and cloud cover. It’s fascinating stuff.

Appliance testing

It’s easier than ever to get extremely familiar with your appliance usage. Go ahead and turn on and off your appliances to see immediately how much energy they use. Try turning your hot water heater down one degree; how much energy do you save over one day, and how much money does that equate to in savings over a year? Now you’ll know. You can try the same with heating devices, aircon, different settings on your washing machine, dryer and dishwasher. What about using cold water vs hot water for laundry? You’ll see the difference and learn which settings will reduce your overall energy usage.

Faster installation

For our reseller partners, the increased data frequency means a faster installation process as we can confirm the correct installation and circuit transformers more quickly.

Faster fault checking

If we detect an issue with your solar system, our operations team can respond faster when assisting the technician as they fix and test the system. It also helps our team and your installer to diagnose problems much more quickly. That’s a win-win for everyone.

How do I get it?

The great news is that 5 Second Live data has now been rolled out to all Solar Analytics Dashboard users with a current subscription at no extra cost. Enjoy!

We’d love to hear how you are using 5 Second Live at your home or business. Let us know in the comments below.

To find out more about Solar Analytics, head to our How It Works page.

Solar Analytics
We are Australian Photovoltaic Engineers, Software Developers, Scientists, Solar Technicians and Designers, all passionate about sustainable energy and the power of solar.
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