Solar Analytics Integrated

> What is Solar Analytics Integrated+?

Solar Analytics Integrated+ (pronounced “integrated plus!”) is a new way of getting Solar Analytics using the Consumer Data Right (CDR) for Energy. Also called Open Energy, this allows you to see both your solar generation and your energy consumption, even if you don't have a consumption meter for your solar inverter.  
Solar Analytics dashboard
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So, what is CDR?
CDR (or Open Energy) allows Australian consumers free and easy access to their electricity data to give you more control of your energy. This means you can choose who you share your energy data with to provide you with new products and services, like Solar Analytics. Find out more about CDR here.
Energy usage snapshot - Solar Analytics
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What does it mean for you?
By providing consent for us to access your energy data through CDR, we can give you the full Solar Analytics feature set to maximise your solar savings. This includes:
  • Personalised energy plan recommendations to find the best energy plan with Plan Optimiser
  • Daily and aggregated views of your household energy usage so you can self-consume more of your solar energy
  • Analysis and tracking of your electricity bills
  • Understand if a battery is right for you with our battery calculator
  • Tracking exactly how much money your solar has saved you
As well as our patented true performance monitoring, so you can be sure your system is producing the energy it's meant to be.
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Are you eligibile?
Good question! You’re eligible if you:
  • Have a wi-fi enabled Fronius, Sungrow, Goodwe, GE or LG inverter
  • Live in one of the states in the National Electricity Market (NEM) - so that’s Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia
  • Are with one of the energy retailers in the list below
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What else do you need to know?
CDR-supported energy retailers
Here is the list of all supported retailers. The list will be updated as new retailers come on board.